Celebration of quality, diversity and wholesomeness of locally produced fresh food
Part of the Scottish Food & Drink Fortnight
Award winning Fyne Ales and George Hotel Inveraray
A celebration of the best that Scotland's vibrant larder has to offer.
Meet our Argyll holiday destination and accommodation experts
Local artists and crafts people displaying their wares, which will range from contemporary art to traditional craftworks
Food & Drink Lineup
Award Winning Food from Argyll Group
Fyne Ales
(Beer of the Year & Argyll Pub of the Year 2013)
George Hotel Inveraray
(Family Run Bar of the Year 2013)
Loch Fyne Whisky Shop
(Whisky Retailer of the Year 2008-2013)
Winston Churchill Venison
Loch Fyne Oysters
(Best Mussel Award 2012)
Real MacKay Stovies
Inverawe Smokehouse
JR Fine Foods
Home Ground Coffee
Eat Bute
Nethergate Farm
Cullisse Oils
Bumble Puddings
Polish Producers
Visit Arran
Inveraray Castle Tea Room
Crafts Line Up
Arts & Crafts
West Coast Living
Mansefield Studio
Fraser McIver
Scott Inness
Susan Berry
Stuart Green
Anne Russel
Jaggy Thistle
Glittering Trinkets
Lomond Soaps
Scottish Field
Bluebell Jewellery
Kenneth Thomson
Midge Factory
Angels with Love
Sponsors Charity Line Up
Argyll's Tourism
First Aid For Gambia
Machrihanish Dunes Resort Village
Crerar Hotels
Natural Retreats Holidays
Argyll & Isles Tourism
Inveraray Marketing Group
Delicious, Sumptuous, Delightful, Or just simply, Yummy. Whatever language you use to describe great food and drink, you'll need lots of it as you taste your way through The Best of West Food, Drink and Music Festival.
Whether you're a gourmand who relishes in the intricacies of fine dining, or a regular foodie excited about tucking into Argyll's local food and regional specialities, you'll definitely enjoy the gastronomic offerings The Best of the West Festival showcases in the month of September.
"The Best of the West Festival celebrates the quality, diversity and wholesomeness of locally and regionally produced fresh food and drink."
"An absolutely world-class melding of sophisticated whisky education and tasting in the shadow of Inveraray Castle; what more could a whisky lover ask?"
"The location of this festival is unbeatable, I love this area in Scotland. Don't leave without trying the beer."
Best of the West is part of the Scottish Food & Drink Fortnight a celebration of the best that Scotland's vibrant larder has to offer. The Fortnight, managed by Scotland Food & Drink, is for everyone who wants to share in the success of this country's produce, whether you grow, sell, cook, make or simply eat and appreciate it! Follow the link below for more info on the Scottish Food & Drink Fortnight.
The vast majority of festival-goers spend their weekend in local accommodation throughout Inveraray and Argyll. But others choose to bring their campervan/caravan to stay in the Argyll Caravan Park a few miles from the festival site. Unfortunately there is no camping on site. Please note that no sleeping, camping or fires are allowed in any of the local car parks. A full list of accommodation providers is available here and we recommend booking early as the area is normally full during the festival weekend.
Wherever you choose to sleep, we are sure you will find your stay in the southern highlands comfortable and welcoming. And as part of our Leave No Trace campaign we'd definitely encourage you to only bring things which you can take home. In fact, we'd be very grateful if you could leave as little behind as possible. Thanks.
The portable toilets – are self-contained flushing toilets. We also have disabled toilets with baby changing facilities. Portable toilets become blocked quickly when they are not flushed. Please flush before and after each use. The flush systems is a lever located the next to the seat. Each toilet block has handwashing facilities and have hand sanitiser dispensers - please use them.
Please leave all toilets as you'd wish to find them, and consider others. Toilet rolls are available free of charge from the ticket station. The Festival employs on-site loo cleaners who ensure the toilets are cleaned and emptied at least once a day. Please do not pee in the hedges, ditches or streams on the Festival site. The urine runs-off into the waterways and causes terrible pollution which endangers not only the local wildlife, but also the future of the Best of the West Festival.
Food & Drink
Please do not bring your own food or drink into the event, our license restrictions do not permit this. There will be a wide variety of bars and food suppliers on site. You may bring a sealed plastic bottle of water into the event with you, no other types of drink or unsealed bottles will be allowed.
There is no covered viewing platform at Best of the West, but there is a small area near the front of the stage which can be reserved for disabled guests. However, if disabled guests find that there are specific problems resulting from their disability, please contact one of the stewards who will be happy to do everything possible to help you.
Disabled Carparking
There will be a wheel chair drop off and pick up point close to the entrance, however the car must be parked in the carpark after drop off. We have a free shuttle bus running from the car parks so their is no special consideration for disabled parking as the bus will ferry you from and to your car. Please park in the designated car parks only, parking in unauthorised areas could result in your vechile being towed.
Festival tickets are needed to gain access to the festival car parks. Car parking onsite is free but the carpark size is limited. There is further car parking in the public carpark in Inveraray a few minutes walk away. The top part of the carpark is free parking whilst the bottom of the car park has a charge via the self service ticket machines. the choice of where to park in the public carpark is yours. Always follow the directional signs, variable message signs and park where directed by festival stewards or police.
Where you park
Most people want to park as near as possible to the festival. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. The stewards will fill the car parks in arrival order. There is a free shuttle bus service between the carpark and festival site which is only a short walk away.
Leaving and returning to the car park during the Festival
It is possible to leave the car park and return during the Festival providing there is space avalaible. The cars are parked in rows with decent turning space in between the rows.
Leaving the Festival
Ensure you are OK to drive. Drink driving is not safe. When did you last have a drink? You will see more police around Inveraray than you do for the rest of the year. Do not risk it! Wait until you are below the limit – you know it makes sense.
Disabled Parking
People with mobility difficulties should use the main car parks and use the free shuttle bus to the festival. The distance between the carpark and festival is only a few hundred meters. If you have further enquiries regarding disabled access and transport please refer to the Disabled Information.
If you fancy car-sharing to the Festival, websites like Lift Share and goCarShare can help you get in touch with others either offering a ride or needing one.
The official on-site radio station for Best of the West Festival is Oban FM on 103.3FM. If you couldn't get a ticket this year then Oban FM will bring the Best of the West Festival direct to you each day. They will, of course, be playing you the best music from the Festival as well as talking to Festival performers and workers alike, profiling every aspect of the Festival.
Press / Photography
Best of the West Festival welcomes media interest in our unique event and we try to accommodate coverage wherever possible. However, the Festival does have a media access policy and this extends to photography. If you wish to take photographs at Best of the West for anything other than private personal use you will need to have permission.
All enquiries about press, photographic or film coverage of the Festival for news purposes should be made to the Press Office ().
Applications to trade at Best of the West are accepted between October and May. Offers to trade will be made to applicants by mid-March. If you are interested in trading at the Best of the West Festival, .
If you have a West Coast connection, we usually book performers and bands at least 9 months in advance so about yourself in good time.
Volunteers / Jobs
If there’s anything you can do to help like security, car parking, first aider, general setup or just displaying a poster, then !
Searches may be conducted at the entrance of the festival by event security for items deemed to be illegal or antisocial. One of the conditions of entry is that you consent to searches of yourself and your belongings by police or event security when on event premises. Please don’t affect your likelihood of enjoying and participating in the event by trying to bring illegal items and / or substances onto the site as you may be removed. Please do not bring the following onto site:
Animals, excluding guide dogs
Offensive weapons or anything likely to be considered an offensive weapon including glass bottles